3.15 [Binaries] Section


Defines the [Binaries] tag is required for EDK II INF files for Binary Modules.

This is a required section for Binary Modules Only.

Each binary file must be listed only once per section. Files listed in architectural sections are not permitted to be listed in the common architectural section.

The "common" architecture modifier in a section tag must not be combined with other architecture type; doing so will result in a build break.

There can be multiple [Binaries] sections, depending on the target processor. Example binaries sections are listed below. Each binary file's path is relative to the location of the component's INF file. The parsing utility creates a directory path for each file ($(DEST_DIR)/Path/OUTPUT), and copies each file (or a processed version of a Unicode User Interface or Version section) to the OUTPUT directory. No makefile is produced, as binary files are only used by the third phase of a build, creating FV, FD or similar binary files.

All file names specified in this section must be in the directory containing the INF file or in sub-directories of the directory containing the INF file.

When a binary INF file is generated by tools during a source build, if a symbol file, such as a PDB or SYM file is generated, the tools must add the file to this section using a binary file type of "DISPOSABLE".

One and only one EFI_SECTION_VERSION is allowed in a FFS image, therefore one and only one VER (VER or UNI_VER) can be included in any one [Binaries] section.

One and only one EFI_SECTION_USER_INTERFACE is allowed in a FFS image, therefore one and only one UI (UI or UNI_UI) can be included in any one [Binaries] section.

One and only one EFI_SECTION_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID is allowed in a FFS image, therefore one and only one SUBTYPE_GUID with a unique GUID Value can be included in any one [Binaries] section.


<Binaries>           ::= "[Binaries" [<com_attribs>] "]" <EOL>
<BinariesStatements> ::= {<MacroDefinition>} {<BinaryFiles>} {<SubTypeGuid>}
<com_attribs>        ::= {".common"} {<attribs>}
<attribs>            ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "Binaries" <attrs>]*
<attrs>              ::= "." <arch>
<UiExpression>       ::= <TS> <UiFile> [<UiOptions>] <EOL>
<UiOptions>          ::= <FS> [<Target>] [<FS> <FeatureFlagExpress>]
<UiFile>             ::= <UiType> <FS> <Filename>
<UiType>             ::= {"UNI_UI"} {"UI"}
<VerExpression>      ::= <TS> <VerFile> [<VerOptions>] <EOL>
<VerOptions>         ::= <FS> [<Target>] [<FS> <FeatureFlagExpress>]
<VerFile>            ::= <VerType> <FS> <Filename>
<VerType>            ::= {"UNI_VER"} {"VER"}
<SubTypeGuid>        ::= <TS> "SUBTYPE_GUID" <GuidOpts> <EOL>
<GuidOpts>           ::= <FS> <GuidValue> <FileOpts> <EOL>
<GuidValue>          ::= {<CName>} {<RegistryFormatGUID>}
<BinaryFiles>        ::= <TS> <FileType> <FileOpts> <EOL>
<FileOpts>           ::= <FS> <Filename> [<Options>] <EOL>
<Options>            ::= <FS> [<Target>] [<Opt1>]
<Opt1>               ::= <FS> [<Family>] [<Opt2>]
<Opt2>               ::= <FS> [<TagName>] [<Opt3>]
<Opt3>               ::= <FS> <FeatureFlagExpress>
<Target>             ::= {<ToolWord>} {<Wildcard>}
<Family>             ::= {"MSFT"} {"GCC"} {"INTEL"} {<Usr>}
<Usr>                ::= <ToolWord>
<TagName>            ::= {ToolWord} {<Wildcard>}
<FeatureFlagExpress> ::= <Boolean>
<FileType>           ::= <Edk2FileType>
<Edk2FileType>       ::= {"ACPI"} {"ASL"} {"PE32"} {"PIC"} {"FV"}
                         {"PEI_DEPEX"} {"DXE_DEPEX"} {"SMM_DEPEX"}
                         {"TE"} {"BIN"} {"RAW"} {"COMPAT16"}
                         {"DISPOSABLE"} {"LIB"}



When present, the feature flag expression determines whether the entry line is valid. If the feature flag expression evaluates to FALSE, this entry will be ignored by the EDK II build tools.

Note: For more information about the following parameters, refer to the Build Specification for a description of the tools_def.txt file. In order for the entries in the INF file to be valid, there must be a matching definition in the tools_def.txt file. The tool chain tag name must also match the one used for the build.


A keyword that uniquely identifies the build target. This keyword is used to bind command flags to individual commands. Refer to the Build Specification for the exact format of the tools_def.txt file. The tools_def.txt file defines a label to specify different items such as executables, options and locations. The label is broken up into fields which are separated by an underscore character. The Target must be either a wildcard character (meaning all targets) or it must be specified in the first field of at least one of these labels. Three values, "NOOPT", "DEBUG" and "RELEASE", have been pre-defined.

Users may want to add other definitions, such as, PERF, SIZE or SPEED, and define their own set of FLAGS to use with these tags.


TagNames must also appear in at least one Label specified in the tools_def.txt file. The TagName must be either a wildcard character (meaning any TagName) or it must match a defined value for a TagName label in the tools_def.txt file for the tool chain tag name specified.


Family is keyword that uniquely identifies a tool chain family. The Family must be either a wildcard character (meaning any Family) or it must match a defined value for a Family label in the tools_def.txt file for at least one tool chain TagName specified in tools_def.txt (or the TagName field that follows this field in the entry).


The file type, "SUBTYPE_GUID" is shorthand for the EFI_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID_SECTION section.


The file type, "DISPOSABLE" does not represent content for the EFI_SECTION_DISPOSABLE. These files will not be processed by EDK II build tools, but rather, may specify other types of files that may be used such as PDB or SYMS files generated for symbolic debugging.



  DXE_DEPEX|Release/DxeIpl.dpx            # MYTOOLS
  PE32|Debug/Ia32/DxeIpl.efi|DEBUG        # MYTOOLS
  PE32|Release/Ia32/DxeIpl.efi|RELEASE    # MYTOOLS

  DXE_DEPEX|Debug/X64/DxeIpl.dpx          # MYTOOLS
  PE32|Debug/X64/DxeIpl.efi|DEBUG         # MYTOOLS